Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dave on the solo


We are in Ley. It is awesome here up at 3500m. The drive from Manali was bumpy, uncomfortable, dusty and absolutely incredible. Literally driving amongst these behemoths we call mountains.

Two days into acclimatizing, we realized we have to make plans, and make em quick. Andrew decided to go on a motorcycle trip with Reto (Switzerland) and ... i forget (Israel). I decided to go off on my own, up north to villages near the pakistani border. little did I know, what an amazing interesting place it is.

The people of Dah-Hanu are completely different looking from the rest of India. They are almost Mesopotamian looking (south Greece? Iran?). They have their own language that only 3 thousand people in the world understand and can speak it. They are the descendants of Aryans and the lost soldiers of Alexander the great. They are called Dards and they practice a mixture of Buddhism, amistali and pre-vedic religious aspects. They are called brog-pa, since their is a Muslim clan in Pakistan. I visited 3 of 5 villages left of these people on earth.

The Indus river and the surrounding area is pretty gorgeous (where they live). Green patches and thriving vegetation in the mists of desert-y hills and barren cliffs. The Dards dress very different, hard to explain.

I bought some grape wine (hand pressed, completely organic, nothing else but grapes and maybe water) that is delicious. I discovered Orhan Pumak? If thats spelled correctly. I was sexually molested by a Nepalese man (not really, but kinda). I ate amazing food and chilled with the locals. I was the only tourist there that added to my experience.

All in all, it was an amazing experience that I am both disappointed and glad that I experienced alone. Andrew should be back from wherever he ended up going (since he didn't show up in Dha!)in a few minutes. Thank god I called home today, luckily, it was fathers day.


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